Reduced levels of protein-bound ceramides at 6 weeks were associated with an increased risk of atopic dermatitis by age 1 year, according to a new study in JACI.
Ultrasound study documents rapid erythrocyte aggregation in popliteal vein following 5-minute smartphone contact, suggesting potential systemic effects of radiofrequency radiation on blood viscosity.
A genome-wide meta-analysis identified novel genetic interactions between ERAP1 and MHC class I alleles, highlighting their role in frontal fibrosing alopecia susceptibility.
New NIH-AARP study of 471,396 participants shows increased calcium intake from all sources associated with significantly lower colorectal cancer risk over 20+ years of follow-up.
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Lithium therapy in bipolar disorder patients is linked to increased risks of hypothyroidism and chronic kidney disease, with specific serum level thresholds informing optimal treatment strategies, according to a large cohort study.
Gaining insight into the effects of sex hormones on injury-induced inflammation and cartilage degradation provides a basis for designing future experimental and clinical studies, report researchers.
Women with endometriosis were hospitalized more often than those without the condition, but had shorter stays, according to a recent study on health care utilization in endometriosis patients.
Low to moderate prenatal alcohol exposure was associated with subtle but persistent changes in facial shape in children aged 6 to 8 years, a study in JAMA Pediatrics finds.